Analysis of Approaches to Foreign Language Training of International Specialists (on the Example of MGIMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia)


Konkol Marina Mikhailovna,Kochkina Olga Mikhailovna


The subject of the study is the effectiveness of approaches to the formation of foreign language linguistic competence of future international specialists. The object of the research is the professional language training of future international specialists studying at the Departments of Romano-Germanic and Oriental Languages of MGIMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. The purpose of the study is to generalize the cathedral approaches, their description, analysis and justification of their effectiveness in the process of teaching the language of the profession in all areas of university training. The authors consider in detail the approaches to teaching the language of the profession at the university as a whole, focusing on the analysis of approaches, methods and strategies used to form productive and receptive skills, considering all types of speech activity. The main conclusions of the study are the theoretical justification of the effectiveness and practical assessment of the reliability of approaches and methods of teaching the language of the profession, aimed at the formation of professionally necessary skills and abilities of future specialists, taking into account each of its specifics and practiced by all departments of foreign languages of the university, providing training in all areas of professional training of future international specialists. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the theoretical consideration of the effectiveness of approaches to teaching the language of the profession, taking into account certain specifics and complexity of some types of speech activity; generalization and analysis of the cathedral approaches and methods; consideration of approaches to the peculiarities of teaching translation of texts from a foreign language into Russian and from Russian into a foreign language. The novelty of the research lies in the concretization of approaches to teaching the language of the profession as a fundamental condition for the formation of foreign language linguistic competence of future international specialists; in determining the most effective methods and strategies for teaching a foreign language in terms of specialized professional training of students at the level of joint interrelated activity "teacher-student".


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Materials Science

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