Mukhamadiarova Albina Fanilevna
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the use of corpus technologies in the formation of German oral speech skills. The subject of the study is the process of teaching speaking at a language university. The object of the study is corpus technologies used in the formation of oral speech skills among students of a language university. The article analyzes the grammatical and phonetic phenomena of oral colloquial speech, which can be introduced in German language teaching. Special attention is paid to such phonetic features of oral speech as reduction, elision, and clitic forms of definite and indefinite articles. The scientific study examines in detail such aspects as the fusion of preposition and definite article, modal particles, direct word order in sentences with WEIL, OBWOHL and unconnected sentences with WENN. The FOLK corpus included in the Gesprochenes Deutsch (DGD) database of the "Leibniz German Language Institute" was used as a corpus toolkit for compiling a set of exercises. The main attention in the article is paid to a complex of different types of tasks created on the basis of corpus tools, which determines the scientific novelty of this approach, namely: the use of a quantitative parameter (normalization coefficient indicating deviations from standard pronunciation based on written language) and parameters indicating phenomena characteristic of oral speech (discursive markers, hesitation phenomena). As a result of the research, the author emphasizes the linguistic and methodological potential of text corpora for the development of students' oral conversational skills. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of using its results in the teaching of the following disciplines: a practical course in the German language, features of spoken German, methods of teaching foreign languages, digital technologies in teaching foreign languages.
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