A new conceptual view of inclusive professionalization as a multidirectional process system


Mal'tseva Tat'yana Evgen'evna


The subject of the study is a conceptual view of inclusive professionalization. The article shows the urgent need to change the views on inclusive professionalization in higher education. The professionalization system should include the highest scientific achievements of inclusive areas (economic, social, political, cultural, etc.), we will receive highly qualified specialists. The main purpose of the article is to show a new, broader view of the essence of inclusive professionalization in higher education. New possibilities of inclusion as developing and advanced learning are shown, forming such professional competencies that help students to engage in future social processes, and therefore contribute to their successful professional socialization. The method is a review and analysis of the literature on the research topic, the main methodology is the concept of inclusion as a general way to theorize the inclusion of persons with socio–functional differences in the professionalization system with an analysis of scientific literature on this topic. The scientific novelty of the article is a new conceptual approach to inclusive professionalization. Conclusion: inclusive professionalization is a complex and systematic process of creating an inclusive and developing field, including various inclusive areas. In addition to the disabled, all persons with socio-functional differences (pensioners, military personnel, prisoners and those released from prison, citizens from liberated territories, migrants, displaced persons, etc.) are included in the training. Training and education of students is carried out with the help of modern equipment, devices, technologies, training programs, educational and methodological base, health-saving methods. This will enable advanced vocational education, help students with socio-functional differences successfully master the process of professionalization, form socio-professional subjectivity, and be in demand in the labor market.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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