Teaching a foreign language in terms of inclusion


Pristavko Kseniya Vladimirovna


The article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of the actual problem of teaching a foreign language to people with disabilities in inclusive education. The article also presents the author's view on overcoming the main difficulties associated with teaching a foreign language to people with disabilities. The authors considered: the main legislative acts regulating inclusive education; the main periods of the development of inclusion in European countries. The authors also considered the main differences between the two learning systems: inclusion and integration; the most relevant problems of learning LOVZ in the conditions of inclusion; solutions to these problems proposed by other authors of scientific research.Based on the conducted research, the authors made the following conclusions: inclusive education is one of the strongest of the modern trends in education, due to the change of views on disability and human rights in general; the goal of inclusive education is the comprehensive development of a person with disabilities, his socialization and realization of his potential in society, as well as providing opportunities for academic and professional mobility for LOVZ. The author's contribution in this article is to summarize the results obtained by other researchers. The authors have deduced concrete steps to solve the existing difficulties, as well as proposed their own solutions to the existing difficulties.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Materials Science

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