"Strict Care" as the Basis of Educational and Psychocorrective Activities in Russian Penitentiary


Bogachev Aleksei Mikhailovich,Lomonos Andrei Alekseevich,Bobrova Natal'ya Viktorovna


The article presents the adaptation of the pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical approach based on the idea of "strict care". The authors prove the thesis about the need to actualize in the mental reality of individuals who have committed crimes a sense of belonging (community) and creative attitudes (first of all, towards healthy parenthood) as a basis for awakening conscience as opposed to malignant guilt and shame. This feeling, in turn, turns to a transcendent function that manifests itself during the spiritual development of the individual and the acquisition of meaning. The authors also present the idea of developing a program for the upbringing and personal development of women convicted for the first time for crimes of small and medium gravity. It is assumed that the implementation of the developed program will become the basis for a series of empirical studies. The scientific novelty of the research is in the synthesis of the domestic approach to education based on the experience of Anton Makarenko and the concept of individual psychology and pedagogy by Alfred Adler, as well as an existential approach equally applicable both in the field of pedagogy and psychology. This kind of synthesis allows us to reach a practice-oriented methodology and appropriate methods in educational and educational-psychological work on rehabilitation and personal development of women convicted of minor crimes and convicted for the first time. In case of practical success of the implementation of the relevant program, it can be extrapolated both to other categories of convicts, and, in the future, to the pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical co-education of persons suffering from PTSD.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Materials Science

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