Conceptual grounds of inclusive education


Rozin Vadim Markovich


This article examines the contradiction between the new principles of the concept of inclusive education and the reference to the theory of development as the basis of this concept. Individualization of education is one of the central ideas of the concept of inclusive education, since unlike in traditional education and the concept of formation, the individual cannot be reduced to an averaged type, as well as students’ development as a single trajectory and a common pattern for everyone. The author's understanding of tutor movement and experience allowed formulating the approach and methodology that is an alternative to the concept of formation, reveals the actual experience of inclusive education. The approach implies the following positions: different trajectories of development for different types of personality; consideration pf the structures established in the prior development; creation of semiotic environment in communication that allows the individual fulfilling their potential and substantiating a new perspective; three tasks of support – initiation of problems and situations of becoming of the new, assistance in solution of these problems and support of development, vector of establishment and development in the fold of culture; differentiation of pre-personal and personal forms (“prama” and subjectivity). For clarification of the aforementioned provisions, the two cases are analyzed (the process of revealing an image in the drawing, as well as the story that took place with young Carl Jung). This analysis allowed characterizing the conceptual grounds of inclusive education. The article introduces the concepts of “social body” and “reflexive practices”, which alongside the positions of L. S. Vygotsky (bypass, reliance on the child’s mental structures, understanding the source of development as a social phenomenon, rather than biological) can be used for the development of inclusive education.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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