‘The Effect of Distance Learning Anatomy Lesson on Dentistry Students in Natural Disasters such as Earthquakes’




1. Kafkas University


Purpose: “Can distance education be an alternative solution for teaching anatomy lessons in natural disasters such as earthquakes?” The aim of this study is to bring the answer of the question to the literature with student opinions. Material and Method: 57 people from 2022-2023 spring semester first year dentistry students participated in the study. The answers given by female and male students to the questions asked about distance anatomy education applied after the earthquake disaster were compared with the chi-square analysis and the significance of these answers was examined. Results: A significant difference was found in the comparison of the answers given by male and female students to the 1st, 13th and 15th questions asked in the study using the chi-square test (p=0.044, p=0.016, p=0.014, respectively). Conclusion: The earthquake disaster in our country (February 6, 2023) has shown the fact that distance education can still be used as an alternative solution after the covid-19 pandemic. Can distance education be blended with hybrid education for anatomy lessons, except in cases such as pandemics or natural disasters? Supporting this answer with student opinions and passing it on to the literature significantly affects future health education.




Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi

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