The association between self-report of orofacial pain symptoms with age, gender, interference in activities, and socioeconomic factors surveyed in Indonesian community health centers


Maulina Tantry12,Rachmi Cut Novianty3,Akhter Rahena14,Whittle Terry1,Evans R. Wendell5,Murray Greg M.1


1. Jaw Function and Orofacial Pain Research Unit, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Sydney

2. Oral Surgery and Maxillofacial Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Padjadjaran

3. Paediatric and Child Health Department, Westmead Children’s Hospital, University of Sydney

4. Faculty of Dentistry, Charles Sturt University

5. Community of Oral Health and Epidemiology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Sydney


Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) through the Australian Leadership Awards (ALA) and Allison Sudrajat Awards (ASA) schemes


Asian Pacific Journal of Dentistry

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