Marine Spatial Planning in Ecuador: Current Situation and the Challenges We Face


Iturralde GustavoORCID,Samaniego JorgeORCID


The Marine and Coastal Spatial Planning (OEMC) has taken on special relevance in recent years due to the recognition of the environmental, social and economic impact of the maritime sectors in the world economy. The current situation of marine spatial planning in Ecuador is analyzed, through the analysis of six experiences, the state in which they are and the challenges they face for its full application with respect to the legal and institutional framework. Institutional advances are recognized, at the same time the instability of the authorities, the lack of a national vision for its implementation and political support are distinguished as the main limitations for its implementation. There is a real interest of local communities to achieve fair access to marine resources by promoting economic development of the country based on the conservation of marine and coastal biodiversity. Recommendations are offered to institutionalize this process in Ecuador and reduce the conflicts between actors.


Universidad Autonoma de Campeche

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