Over the years, fishing has been considered a male activity; however, women play a very important role in artisanal fishing because they are involved in activities throughout the value chain. These include processing seafood products, harvesting or direct capture of species, and the sale of these products. In recent years, the decline of marine species has motivated them to also implement activities for the conservation of marine ecosystems such as reforestation, waste separation, and proper resource management, among others. Despite this, their work is little recognized and undervalued. Considering this, the objective of this work is to identify and describe the role of women in artisanal fishing in Celestún, Mexico. A qualitative methodology based on the application of semi-structured interviews was used for this purpose. In the fieldwork we observed that in Celestún, power relations influence access to marine resources, which directly impacts the economic and food security of families. Women are confronted with machista attitudes in the community, which limits them when carrying out different economic activities. This can affect their economic income and is detrimental to their families and the community in general.
Keywords: woman, role of women, fishing, sustainability, artisanal fishing, gender equality, Celestún.
Universidad Autonoma de Campeche
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