Bâtinism is one of the remarkable subjects in terms of the meanings it contains. On one side of the medallion, there are those who consider themselves lucky because they rely on intuition, emotion and their chosen charismatic leaders in reaching information. On the other side, we see communities that are demonized and excluded because they challenge the absolutized beliefs of mainstream politico-religious societies and states. There are social, economic, political and religious reasons for their emergence. Undoubtedly, Yezidis are one of the most important esoteric sects that emerged in Islamic societies. While bâtinism is generally associated with Shia in Islamic societies, the identity of Yezidis is based on different foundations. The Yazidis, as they often prefer, have experienced an "ambiguous" process in the historical sense and have survived to the present day.
International Journal of Kurdish Studies
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
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