De la suprarealism la „onirismul structural”


,Morar Ovidiu


This approach tries to emphasize the similarities and differences between the poetics of Surrealism and the so-called “structural oneirism”, produced in the late sixties by a new Romanian avant-garde group. The two leaders of this group, the poet Leonid Dimov and the novelist Dumitru Țepeneag, published a series of literary manifestos in some literary magazines of the time, in which they tried to build a coherent and original aesthetic program. The main ideas were the rational structure of the new literature and its dream-like atmosphere produced by a deliberate technique, characteristics that placed it in the category defined by Angelo Guglielmi in the late fifties as “experimentalism”. However, the dark dreamy atmosphere, the “convulsive beauty”, the programmatic incoherence of the narration in order to create the dream-like effect, the incompatibility of the associations, etc. are features that still link this new literature to older Surrealism.


Asociatia Culturala A. Philippide

Reference11 articles.

1. "1. Ionescu 1967: Cornel Mihai Ionescu, Generaţia luiNeptun (Grupul 63), Bucureşti, Editura pentru literatură universală.

2. 2. Dimov 1968: Leonid Dimov, Pledoarie pentru o artă optimistă, în "Gazeta literară", Bucureşti, nr. 30, 25 iulie.

3. 3. Dimov, Țepeneag 1967: Leonid Dimov, Dumitru Ţepeneag, Momentul oniric, antologie de Corin Braga, București, Editura Cartea Românească.

4. 4. Morar 2014: Ovidiu Morar, Suprarealismul românesc, București, Editura Tracus Arte.

5. 5. Teodorescu 1977: Virgil Teodorescu, Armonia contrariilor, București, Editura Cartea Românească.







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