Către o ediție digitală a operei lui Mihai Eminescu: alinierea in TEI-xml a versiunilor Doinei și vizualizarea cu Versioning Machine


Patraș RoxanaORCID, ,Galleron IoanaORCID,Patraș AntonioORCID, ,


The present study aims to outline a conceptual framework with a view to the scholarly digital publishing of Eminescu’s literary works. In the first part, we analyze the arguments formulated by Petru Creția in Testamentul unui eminescolog and introduce three methodological principles that could serve for a new division of the material, the integration of technical solutions and the design of interface functions. In the second part, we present the arguments for dividing the early texts into two categories, corresponding to the two major sequences of Eminescu’s biography: a first phase, between 1866 and 1883, encompassing full creativity, and a second phase, covering the period 18831889, from the onset of his illness until his death. Then, we highlight the symbolic importance of the last poem published before his breakdown. Indeed, Doina is an emblematic text for Eminescu’s creativity, but it has generally been occulted by the exegesis for ideological reasons. The third part of this article is devoted to a case study: aligning the verses of Doina in TEI xml, highlighting the technical problems resulting from the collation of several sources (Perpessicius edition, facsimile) and illustrating the problems of transcription.


Asociatia Culturala A. Philippide

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