Speed, human reality, and the ribovirocell of human existence in the COVID19 and post-COVID19 space-time


Uche Iheanetu Chidinma1ORCID,Tamášová Viola2ORCID,Tandlich Roman1ORCID


1. Rhodes University, South Africa

2. DTI University, Slovak Republic


In this follow up paper, the ribovirocell concept from the first part of the study is linked to the ontological realm of human reality before, during and in the aftermath of COVID19. During this fluid space-time, human reality is multi-faceted and often very complicated. The authors present a division of the reality into fundamental reality and situational reality. Fundamental reality is based on the (physical) laws of nature such as the speed of light as a fundamental physical constant. This reality spans beyond the course of time as perceived by humans, which is beyond the duration of a single or multiple human lifespans and beyond the duration of the COIVD19 pandemic. Next to fundamental reality and overlapping with it, exists the situational reality, which humans experience directly themselves during their lifetime(s). Actions of humanity and of individual human beings contribute to the shaping of the situational reality. Examples of the situational reality can be e.g. experiencing atrocities that humanity has committed, humanity’s actions to prevent such atrocities in the future, as well as human progress in eliminating poverty/inequality in the world. At least, some aspects of human lives take place at the boundary between the fundamental and situational reality. The COVID19 pandemic is linked to the concepts and the boundary between the fundamental and situational reality that human’s experiences, such as speed of pandemic impact and shifting nature of reality. The ribovirocell state of one’s self is linked to the way to apply the speed as a threshold concept for resilience in the coronavirus space-time and the post-COVID19 world.


Academicus Journal

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