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2. 2) W. J. Phythian, A. J. E. Foreman, C. A. English, J. T. Buswell, M. G. Hetherington, K. Roberts and S. Pizzini, “The structure and hardening mechanism of copper precipitation in thermally aged or irradiated Fe-Cu and Fe-Cu-Ni model alloys”, Effects of Radiation on Material : 15th International Symposium, ASTM STP 1125, pp.131-150 (1992).
3. Transmission electron microscope investigations of the structure of copper precipitates in thermally-aged Fe—Cu and Fe—Cu—Ni
4. High-resolution electron microscopy studies of the structure of Cu precipitates in α-Fe
5. SANS Study of Phase Decomposition in Fe-Cu Alloy with Ni and Mn Addition.