1. Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bitki Koruma Bölümü, Sarıçam Adana
Seasonal distributions and population dynamics of predatory bugs, Orius (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) species with some harmful insects in crop plants in 2019-2020 Turkey were investigated in Turkey. A total of four Orius species were identified, these are; Orius laevigatus,(Fieber) Orius niger (Wollf) Orius albidipennis (Reuter) and Orius vicinus (Ribaut). The most common species was O. laevigatus, constituting 78.36% of the total adult individuals. Both O. laevigatus and O. niger were relatively more abundant on broad beans and beans than those numbers found in fruit trees and field crops. Very few Orius individuals were recorded on the fruit trees. Orius and thrips individuals were collected mainly from the flowers of the plants, and their population patterns depended on the flowering phenology patterns of the plants. Orius individuals were recorded together with the pest thrips on plants particularly summer and winter vegetables sampled. The total prey (thrips, aphids and leafhoppers) numbers per Orius were lower on broad bean and bean plants. Finally, the number of prey per Orius was 5.83 in the broad bean and 14.33 in the bean plant, indicating thrips in particular had high predation risks due to Orius attacks in these two plant species.
Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture