Faried Ahmad,Arifin Muhammad Z,Wirjomartani Benny A
Subacute subdural hematoma (SDH) is one of the most common clinical entities encountered in daily neurosurgical practice. The imaging of computed tomography (CT) has made a major impact on the diagnosis of subacute SDH. Although unilateral chronic lesion of SDH as a result of a space-occupying lesion is usually easily recognizable on CT scan, subacute SDH appearing in lenticular form may cause considerable difficulty, particularly when its appearance mimics the classic CT scan appearance of an epidural hematoma (EDH). Pathognomonic findings on CT scan are usually sufficient to establish a correct diagnosis, though the presence of such appearance can also be a misleading finding, especially in an infant patient.
How to cite this article
Yudoyono F, Faried A, Wirjomartani BA, Arifin MZ. Subacute Subdural Hematoma mimicking Epidural Hematoma in Infant Patient. Panam J Trauma Crit Care Emerg Surg 2016;5(2):113-115.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing