Karambelkar Ajit D,Bora Rishabh D
Aim and objective
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of pelvis as a one-stop shop modality for locoregional staging of carcinoma of the cervix. Compare the MRI staging with the clinical staging of the carcinoma of the cervix.
Materials and methods
We conducted pelvic MRI examinations on histological proved 83 cases of cervical carcinoma on MRI 1.5 T scanner.
Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated cervical mass in 79 out of 83 (95%) patients. No mass lesion was demonstrated in 4 out of 83 patients, who were clinically diagnosed as stage I. X2 test demonstrated X2 value of 43.6 and p value < 0.01 indicating a significant difference between staging by staging by MRI and that by clinical staging. Z score test also showed a significant difference in staging by MRI and that by clinical staging for stages IB, IIB, IIIB, and IVA with a p value < 0.05. The Z score (RD) was maximum for stage IIIB and minimum 0.034 for stage IIIA, suggesting that the greatest difference was observed in stage IIIB. We could not find any significant difference for Stage IIIA, IA and stage IIA.
Magnetic resonance imaging is superior to clinical staging of the carcinoma of the uterine cervix in Stage IB, IIB and IVA. Magnetic resonance imaging has an excellent ability to demonstrate the locoregional extent of the tumor. Hence, it should be used as a one-stop shop modality for the staging of cervical carcinoma.
How to cite this article
Karambelkar AD, Bora RD. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Pelvis: A One-stop Shop Modality for the Staging of Carcinoma of Cervix. J South Asian Feder Menopause Soc 2020;8(1):7–23.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing