1. 1. Bhela Samhita by Bhelacharya. Edited by Sastri V.S.V. and Sharma C.R.R., CCRIMH, Ministry of H and F.W., Govt of India, New Delhi;1977
2. 2. Bhela Samhita by Bhela Charya. Translated by K.H. Krishnamurthy, Edited by Sharma P.V. Chowkhamba Vishwa Bharati, Varanasi;2000
3. 3. Sharma C.R, Rama Rao B. A note on the New Edition of Bhela Samhita. Bull Ind Inst Hist Med Hyderabad. 1980; 10(1-4):7-14.
4. 4. Sharma P.V. Dravaygunasutram with Hindi translation by Dube S.D. Chowkhamba Sanskrit Bhavan, Varanasi;1976.
5. 5. P.V.Sharma, Ayurveda Ka Vaigyanik Itihas, reprint edition Chaukhambha orientalia Varanasi;2008