Ahmad Shahzad,Kuchhal Vaibhav
We present an unusual case of a foreign body, a hard wooden piece measuring 4 cm, in the retropharyngeal space. The patient presented with discharging sinus just below the angle of mandible left side. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) scan helped to make the diagnosis. Neck exploration was done under general anesthesia and sinus tract was seen in the parapharyngeal space. The tract was passing between the carotid artery and the internal jugular vein and going to the retropharyngeal space. The wooden piece was removed from the sinus tract and the tract was dissected out. The neurovascular structure was intact.
We highlight the importance of contrast-enhanced CT scan and three-dimensional (3D) CT images for preoperative evaluation of the locational relationship between the foreign body and great vessels in the neck region. The external approach is more convenient because it provides adequate exposure of neurovascular structure in the neck.
How to cite this article
Ahmad S, Kuchhal V. Neglected Foreign Body in Retropharyngeal Space presenting with Infected Pharyngocutaneous Sinus. Int J Adv Integ Med Sci 2016;1(2):84-85.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing