Isolated Tuberculosis of Patella in a Child: A Case Report and Literature Review


Dharmshaktu Ganesh S


ABSTRACT The patella is an uncommon site for skeletal tuberculosis. Its incidence is limited to a few anecdotal case reports or series in the literature. The presence of this clinical entity in the pediatric age group is even rarer. A high index of suspicion and early clinicoradiological diagnosis are the mainstay of treatment coupled with compliant antitubercular treatment. The effective management also mitigates its spread to whole of the knee joint and subsequent arthrosis. A rare case of patella tuberculosis with effective management and good functional outcome in a 9-year-old male child is presented here with relevant details. How to cite this article Dharmshaktu GS, Singh P. Isolated Tuberculosis of Patella in a Child: A Case Report and Literature Review. Int J Adv Integ Med Sci 2017;2(2):101-103.


Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing

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