The corpus callosum is the main commissure of the fetal brain and can be displayed with two-dimensional (2D) and threedimensional (3D) ultrasound. However, only 3D ultrasound provides the operator with the possibility to adjust the three orthogonal planes of the brain in that way that the entire corpus callosum is shown precisely in the median plane.
The aim of this article is to provide the most recent information on the assessment of the fetal corpus callosum by means of 3D ultrasound. Different topics are highlighted, such as advantage of 3D ultrasound over 2D ultrasound, indications for displaying the fetal corpus callosum, demonstration of the normal and abnormal corpus callosum and biometric measurements of the fetal corpus callosum by 3D ultrasound. Furthermore the question is raised whether fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can give additional information to the 3D ultrasound examination and whether the diagnosis resulting from 3D neurosonography gives us the chance for a better counseling of parents who are confronted with the diagnosis of a fetal corpus callosum pathology.
How to cite this article
Merz E, Pashaj S. What is Known about Corpus Callosum Prenatally? Donald School J Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2016;10(2):163-169.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing
Geriatrics and Gerontology,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging
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