Reporting a rare case of impacted foreign body (wood piece) in the nasopharynx in a 3-year-old female child of 6 cm size and its endoscopic removal.
Case report
A 3-year-old female child was brought by her parents with history of purulent right nasal discharge, nasal obstruction and fever for the past 3 months. Anterior rhinoscopic examination shows purulent right nasal discharge. Diagnostic endoscopy showed a foreign body in the nasopharynx. Under GA using nasal endoscope a foreign body was found to be wooden piece and the same was removed. The removed foreign bo dy was measu red and fou nd to be of 6 c m in size. Postoperative period was uneventful.
Foreign body of 6 cm size in the nasopharynx in a 3-year-old child has not been reported in ‘world medical literature’. This case has been reported due to its rarity, difficulty in diagnosis and removal.
How to cite this article
Krishnappa BD. Endoscopic Removal of an Unusual Foreign Body in the Nasopharynx in a 3-Year-Old Child. Int J Head Neck Surg 2013;4(3):140-141.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing