Crown Lengthening as Treatment for Altered Passive Eruption: Review and Case Report


Tonetto Mateus Rodrigues,Pinto Shelon Cristina Souza,Bandeca Matheus Coelho,Lima Suellen Nogueira Linares,Higashi Cristian,Bonafé Elize,Pilatti Gibson Luiz,Santos Fábio André


ABSTRACT This case report relates a patient with altered passive eruption (APE) treated with surgical crown lengthening. There is a strong association between smile esthetics and periodontal tissues. ‘Gummy smile’ constitutes a relatively frequent esthetic disadvantage characterized by excessive display of the gums during upper lip smiling. One situation that can lead to gummy smile is APE. There are many important diagnostic factors connected with APE. These include making a correct diagnosis; considering facial and oral features before considering the most appropriate periodontal treatment. A 21-year-old female patient presented to the dental clinic expressing to be discontent with her smile, due to the display of gingiva when she smiles. Before choosing the adequate treatment, esthetics and periodontal factors were analyzed. In the present case report, surgical crown lengthening was the treatment chosen. Through a correct diagnosis and technique, it was possible to obtain harmony in the smile. Crown-lengthening surgery is an important choice of treatment, because it is a less invasive technique and it permits the establishment of an esthetical smile. How to cite this article Pinto SCS, Higashi C, Bonafé E, Pilatti GL, Santos FA, Tonetto MR, Lima SNL, Bandéca MC. Crown Lengthening as Treatment for Altered Passive Eruption: Review and Case Report. World J Dent 2015;6(3):178-183.


Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing


General Dentistry

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