The nasolacrimal drainage system begins development in the third fetal months from a cord of epithelium found between the maxillary and frontal nasal recesses. Canalization of this cord along its entire length leads to its communication with the inferior nasal meatus by the sixth fetal month. Failure of canalization is the most common cause of nasolacrimal drainage obstruction use of endoscopes in children is evolving, may it be endoscopic DCR or other congenital problems. In spite of the smaller anatomic dimensions posing a technical challenge, the endonasal endoscopic approach to nasolacrimal obstruction in children not only avoids a scar, it preserves the function of the lacrimal pump also.
How to cite this article
Bansal S, Gupta AK. Endoscopic Management of Pediatric Nasolacrimal Anomalies. Clin Rhinol An Int J 2014;7(1):16-19.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing