Fernandez Teny,Ravichandran R
Amputation of a finger will have considerable functional and psychological impact on an individual. Although prosthetic rehabilitation incorporating implants is considered an ideal treatment option, the patient may not give consent due to apprehension toward surgical procedures. The ideal prosthesis should replace the missing part of the finger so precisely that it would not draw the attention of the observer. Fabrication of such a prosthesis will require great technical and artistic expertise. This paper presents a case of prosthetic rehabilitation of an amputated finger using a silicone finger prosthesis.
How to cite this article
Fernandez T, Harshakumar K, Ravichandran R. Prosthetic Rehabilitation of a partially Amputated Finger using a Silicone Prosthesis. Int J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2016;6(1):10-13.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing