Kaul Rachna,Shilpa PS,Sanjay CJ
Eye is one of the organs that is disposed to many hazards among dental practitioners due to the long strenuous working hours and various kinds dental equipment. These workrelated eye hazards range from eye injuries, fatigue, hazards due to lasers and light-curing units. Awareness among dental practitioners regarding the same is important so that they employ protective measures to avoid any eye hazards.
The aim of this study was to find the awareness regarding the occupational eye hazards among dental practitioners of Bengaluru city by assessing the usage of protective eye wear among them.
Study and design
A questionnaire-based survey was conducted among 150 dental practitioners of Bengaluru city.
Materials and methods
The questionnaire comprised of questions regarding their age and gender and whether they used protective eye wear while working.
Statistical analysis
Using percentage, the number of dental practitioners using protective eye wear and those not using the same were compared.
Results and conclusion
It was found that slightly more than half of the surveyed dental practitioners used protective eye wear while the rest did not use any eye protection while working. There is need to make more and more dental practitioners aware about the eye hazards that can happen due to work and emphasis needs to be laid on the use of protective eye wear while working so that these hazards can be minimized.
How to cite this article
Kaul R, Shilpa PS, Sanjay CJ. Usage of Protective Eye Wear among the Dental Practitioners of Bengaluru City: A Survey with Review of Literature. World J Dent 2014;5(1):17-20.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing
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