Varshney Varsha,Gupta Gaurav,Grover Mohnish,Devra Vikas
Burkitt's lymphoma is a malignant neoplasm rarely found in paranasal sinuses and skull base. We report a rare case of Burkitt's lymphoma of anterior skull base associated with acute loss of vision. A 10 years old boy presented with history of headache, diminution of vision in right eye since 15 days. Biopsy showed diffuse NHL of Burkitt's type. After treatment with chemotherapy there was complete recovery in vision.
How to cite this article
Gupta G, Devra V, Grover M, Varshney V. Burkitt's Lymphoma of Anterior Skull Base associated with Acute Loss of Vision: A Rare Case Report. Clin Rhinol An Int J 2014;7(1):28-30.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing