Bhardwaj Aparna,Rathi Sonam
Pleomorphic adenomas occurring in the nasal cavity are rarely encountered; nevertheless, there is abundance of minor seromucinous glands in that region. Most cases present with a painless, slowly progressing unilateral nasal obstruction, a nasal mass, and epistaxis. Herewith, we present an unusual case of pleomorphic adenoma arising from the lateral wall of the right nasal cavity in a 41-year-old male who complained of right nasal obstruction with no history of epistaxis. Rigid nasal endoscopy revealed a swelling continuous with right inferior concha. Computed tomography showed a well-defined, soft tissue mass in the right nasal cavity. The lesion was completely excised endoscopically. Histopathology confirmed a pleomorphic adenoma consisting of epithelial and mesenchymal elements. Wide exposure is crucial for complete excision with negative margins to achieve positive outcome and to prevent recurrence.
How to cite this article
Pandey AK, Bhardwaj A, Maithani T, Rathi S. Pleomorphic Adenoma of the Lateral Nasal Wall: An Unusual Entity. Clin Rhinol An Int J 2016;9(3):146-148.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing