Vora Miloni S,Nihal Nidhi K,Ramachandra Jaya Agali
The endodontic triad consists of cleaning and shaping, disinfection and obturation. Success of root canal therapy in primary teeth is mainly achieved by thorough removal of debris and necrotic tissue. However, complete elimination of bacterial contaminants as well as necrotic debris require adjunctive use of root canal irrigants along with mechanical instrumentation. As we know from literature that none of the available irrigating solutions alone provides all the ideal requirements. Studies have shown that a combination of two or more irrigating solutions in a specific sequence will help to achieve optimal irrigation. This review article mainly highlights the mechanism of action, safety and biocompatibility of currently used irrigation solutions and also the other materials that can be used as a potent irrigants, their advantages and limitations in future of endodontics.
How to cite this article
Ramachandra JA, Nihal NK, Nagarathna C, Vora MS. Root Canal Irrigants in Primary Teeth. World J Dent 2015;6(3):229-234.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing
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21 articles.