Devasamudra Chidananda Ramappa,Devasamudra Chidananda R
A 25-year-old male patient came with a history of nasal obstruction on the left side. He was also concerned about his nasal framework deformities, such as gross deviation of the nose to left, hump over the nose, asymmetrical nostril, and overall bulky nose.
Materials and methods
Detailed history was taken and examination done to rule out contraindication to septorhinoplasty. Expectations, requirements, and postoperative results of the patient were understood. Open approach reduction rhinoplasty was carried out. Unique techniques, such as intermediate and transverse osteotomies were done to achieve the required results.
Bulky deviated nose was reduced to an esthetically good-looking nose by humpectomy, four types of osteotomies, extended spreader grafts, columellar strut, and Tipplasty.
Surgical steps must be undertaken in order to achieve good esthetic results. Surgeries, such as humpectomy must be done before osteotomies, intermediate osteotomies must be done before lateral osteotomies, and Tipplasty must be done after osteotomies.
How to cite this article
Sagar NJ, Devasamudra CR. Intermediate Osteotomy and other Unique Techniques used in Reduction Rhinoplasty. Clin Rhinol An Int J 2016;9(1):6-12.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing