Chavan Shrinivas S,Jain Prateek Vijay,Deshmukh Sunil D,Dhanakar Pramod,Rai Dharmendrakumar
The advantages of excellent exposure and minimal scarring of the classical Weber-Ferguson incision for radical maxillectomy have been timeworn. But late complication of sino-orbital cutaneous fistula following radiotherapy and delayed healing often results in less than ideal results. Most common site for this fistula is the tip near the medial canthus, which is the point where the scar bears maximum tension and results in fistula formation. Due to persistent mucopurulent drainage and poorly vascularized tissue in the irradiated area, the repair options are limited and difficult. Here, we are presenting a case report providing a novel way for better postoperative results.
How to cite this article
Jain PV, Chavan SS, Deshmukh SD, Dhanakar P, Rai D. Preventing Sino-orbital Cutaneous Fistula: A Novel Approach for Radical Maxillectomy. Clin Rhinol An Int J 2015;8(2):69-71.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing
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