1. 1. More details about the Rijeka model of bioethical education in: Gosić, N. Znanstveno- nastavna konceptualizacija predmeta medicinska etika na Medicinskom fakultetu u Rijeci, Društvena istraživanja, 1996, No. 23–24, pp. 751–761.
2. 2. Gosić N. Bioetička edukacija, Pergamena, Zagreb, 2005, pp. 86–110.
3. 3. Gosić N. Bioethical education in Croatia, Bioethic und kulturelle Pluralität (ed. Čović A. and Hoffman Th. S.), Academia Verlag, pp. 214–225.
4. 4. Gosić N. Bioetičke perspektive, Pergamena, Zagreb, 2011, pp. 197–205.
5. 5. These are the courses: Bioethics, Bioethics and the Culture of Dialogue in Medicine, Ethics of Health Care, Ethics of Nursing in Theory and Practice, and Ethics of Physiotherapists in Theory and Practice.