Didactic resources and digital technologies used by teachers who teach mathematics during the pandemic in Brazil


Vilela Mariana LimaORCID,Pinto Nayara Katherine DuarteORCID,Conti Keli CristinaORCID


In this text, we will present part of a previous study that investigated the use of teaching resources and technologies during the pandemic by teachers who teach mathematics in the public basic education network. The research followed a qualitative-quantitative approach, using the Google Forms tool as a data collection instrument. The data presented was collected with the participation of 430 teachers over 42 days. Given the results, it was observed that many digital technologies began to be used as teaching resources, including WhatsApp and Google Classroom. We hope this work contributes in some way to the teaching of mathematics in the public basic education network and that it can provide support for future studies related to mathematics education.



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