Spectrum and Antifungal Susceptibility Profiles of Candida Species Causing Vulvovaginitis in Lomé, Togo—Candida vaginitis and species involved in Lomé (Togo)


Dorkenoo Ameyo Monique,Afanyibo Yaovi-Gameli,Adjétey-Toglozombio Akovi Kiki,Mokli Afi Mawussime,Ataba Essoham,Prince David Mireille


Background: Vulvovaginal infections are common in women. In Togo’s medical biology laboratories, routine diagnosis is often limited to filamentation testing, and the identification of fungal species is rarely performed. The aim of this study was to update the spectrum of Candida species isolated in vulvovaginitis and to determine their antifungal susceptibility profiles. Methods: Cross-sectional analytical study was carried out in women presenting leukorrhea received in two public laboratories in Lomé from June 2015 to October 2015. Socio-demographic and clinical data were collected through a structured questionnaire during an individual interview. Vulvovaginal samples were cultured in Sabouraud dextrose agar with chloramphenicol. Identification of fungi was determined by filamentation test and API 20C AUX® gallery. The antifungal susceptibility profile was performed on five antifungal agents by a semi-solid medium microdilution technique of the ATB Fungus 3® gallery. Results: Candida albicans/dubliniensis/africana complex was isolated in 51.6% of cases by API 20C AUX® gallery. The same species were isolated by filamentation test in 12.3% of cases. All Candida species identified were sensitive to Voriconazole, whereas four species including Candida albicans/dubliniensis/africana complex had variable sensitivities compared to the five antifungal agents tested. Conclusions: This study demonstrated a high distribution of non-albicans species of Candida in Togo. Empirical treatment of candidiasis could contribute to increasing antifungal resistance. Routine fungi identification, at least by using an auxanogram test, could be instituted in medical laboratories to improve the therapeutic management of these diseases.










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