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Familial non-medullary thyroid cancer (FNMTC) comprises about 5-15% of non-medullary thyroid cancer (NMTC) is a heterogeneous of diseases including both non-syndromic and syndrom forms , Non-syndromic FNMTC tends to manifest paillary thyroid carcinoma,usually multifocal and bilateral.Several high-penetrance genes for FNMTC have been indentified but they are often confined to a few or single families and other susceptibility loci appear to play a small part ,conferring only small increments in risk . Familial susceptibility is like to be due to a combination of genetic and environmental influences . The current focus of research in FNMTC is to charactetise the susceptibility genes and their role in carcinogenesis .FNMTC can also occur as a part of multitumor genetic syndromes such as familial adenomatous polyposis ,Cowden’s syndrome, Werner’s sydrome and Carney complex . There tend to present at an early age and are multicentric and bilateral with distinct pathology . The clinical evaluaion of these patients is similar to that for most patients with a thyroid nodule. Key words: Familial non-medullary thyroid cancer (FNMTC)


Vietnam Association of Diabetes and Endocrinology








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