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Changing demands upon the forest and the poor financial situation of forest enterprises in Switzerland led to the development of a new forestry planning concept around fifteen years ago. This concept introduced a clear distinction between planning at the level of the authorities and planning at the level of the owners. At the level of the authorities, and in agreement with land use planning and with the participation of the population,the regional forest development plan defines objectives, priorities and controlling mechanisms with which to ensure both public interests and the management of the forest. At the level of owners elements of strategic management are instrumental and should no longer require permission from the authorities. The interconnection between the two levels of planning is regulated by agreements pertaining to goods and services, projects, contracts and, if need be, also to the authorization for harvesting.
The introduction of the regional forest development plan was a success. Such plans have either been implemented or are being elaborated or prepared for over 80% of Switzerland's forested areas. The use of management techniques for planning purposes at the enterprise level has only just started, but has a promising future. In order to deepen and enhance the effect of these new forestry-planning tools on the landscape as a whole, appropriate research and teaching is required in the future, which is not presently ensured at the ETH.
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7 articles.