Molecular-mass distribution of alkylphenolformaldehyde oligomers modified by imidazolines


Amiraslanova M. N.1,Abdullayeva N. R.1,Aliyeva R. V.1,Bektashi N. R.1,Aliyeva L. I.1,Rustamov R. A.1,Aliyeva Sh. R.1,Isayeva P. E.1


1. Mammadaliyev Institute of Petrochemical Processes АNAS


The molecular weight distribution of monoalkyl(C8–C12)phenolformaldehyde oligomers modified with imidazolines based on sunfl ower or corn oil fatty acids and polyamines – diethylenetriamine, triethylenetetraamine, polyethylene polyamines was determined by gel-chromatography. The influence of the component and quantitative composition on the parameters of the number average and weight average molecular weights, as well as on the polydispersity of oligomers, was studied. Regularities have been revealed and assumptions have been made regarding repeating monoalkyl (C8-C12)phenol-formaldehyde fragments in the composition of oligomeric macromolecules.


Publishing House Plastic Ltd

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