Chemical recycling of polyethyleneterephthalate as a method for obtaining effective modifiers of polymer materials


Panfilov D. A.1


1. Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University)


The article provides a brief overview of the research carried out at the Department of Chemical Technology of Polymers of SPSIT in the field of chemical destruction of household waste of polyethyleneterephthalate from 2008 to the present. It has been shown that the use of PET glycolysis and aminolysis methods makes it possible to obtain useful products that can be used both as independent binders (unsaturated polyester resins) and as effective modifiers that increase the physical, mechanical and operational properties of already well-proven polymer materials. In some cases, modification of the compositions with PET chemical recycling products leads to an increase in the characteristics of polymer materials by up to 5 times.


Publishing House Plastic Ltd


Polymers and Plastics,Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous)

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