Evaluation of the titanium, aluminum and silicon oxides effect on the copolyamides synthesis and their properties


Shekaeva A. R.1,Spiridonova R. R.1,Fedorchuk A. N.1


1. Kazan National Research Technological University


The effect of inorganic additives on the ε-caprolactam with ω-dodecalactam anionic (co)polymerization process and on the properties of synthesized samples is investigated. Aluminum oxide, titanium dioxide and silicon dioxide were used as inorganic additives. It is shown that the introduction of additives at a 1 mol.% concentration at the stage of copolycaproamide synthesis contributes to a decrease in the ε-caprolactam with ω-dodecalactam anionic (co)polymerization rate. The influence of the selected additives on the physico-mechanical, thermal and operational properties complex has also been studied. It was found that the use of inorganic additives at a 1 mol.% concentration at the synthesis stage contributes to an increase in destruction temperatures compared to unmodified samples. It was found that the introduction of aluminum oxide, titanium dioxide and silicon dioxide leads to an increase in physical and mechanical parameters and Shore hardness, a decrease in water absorption and oil and gasoline resistance.


Publishing House Plastic Ltd

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