Physiotherapy work with transgender individuals


Durlak Damian1


1. Faculty of Health Sciences, Radom College in Radom, Poland


Transgenderism is a difficult issue in medicine, although it has accompanied humans almost since the beginning of mankind. It includes transsexualism – incompatibility of mental sex and registered sex. Transgender people seek to change their gender through hormone therapy and surgery. In their work, physiotherapists may encounter transgender people at various stages of therapy. In order to avoid causing additional psychological burden for transgender patients, it is necessary for physiotherapists to know the specifics of transsexualism and the issues they should pay attention to while practicing their profession. The aim of the work is to show what transgenderism is and how a physiotherapist should work with transgender people.


DJ Studio Dariusz Jasinski


Ocean Engineering,General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science,General Medicine,Development,Geography, Planning and Development,General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science,Materials Chemistry

Reference13 articles.

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