Temperature measurements on facial skin surface as evaluated by infrared thermal cam-era and pyrometer following physiotherapeutic light treatments


Lietz-Kijak Danuta1ORCID,Skomro Piotr1,Ardan Roman2,Kubala Elżbieta3,Strzelecka Paulina3,Kowacka Małgorzata4,Kijak Konrad5,Bitenc-Jasiejko Aleksandra1,Konior Krzysztof6,Gronwald Helena1,Śliwiński Zbigniew7


1. Department of Propaedeutic, Physical Diagnostics and Dental Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Pomeranian Medical University, Szczecin, Poland

2. Department of Econometrics, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Koszalin University of Technol-ogy, Koszalin, Poland

3. Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin

4. Independent Public Health Care Complex in Żarki, Poland

5. Student Scientific Society at the Department and Clinic of Internal Diseases, Angiology and Physical Medicine, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland

6. Doctoral Study of the Department of Propaedeutic, Physical Diagnostics and Dental Physio-therapy, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Pomeranian Medical University, Szczecin, Poland; Medical Center in Nowogard, Poland

7. Department of Physiotherapy, Collegium Medicum UJK in Kielce, Poland


Any clinical procedure in dentistry, especially one that involves a breach of tissue integrity, carries the risk of complications, which can occur in any speciality. These include: postopera-tive wound pain, tissue swelling, bleeding, redness, elevated temperature, trismus, decreased sensation as a result of nerve damage. Postoperative patient care aims to minimise the risk of complications and to treat those which have developed. To this end, we can resort to physical therapy, one of the modalities of which is light therapy, using electromagnetic wave ranges of red, infrared, yellow and ultraviolet light. Yet, it remains unclear which wavelength should be used to treat any specific disease entity and which form of therapeutic light should be used in the rehabilitation of a specific complication following dental procedures? In this study, we used the Cason CA380 infrared digital pyrometer with a laser pointer and the Fluke Ti 400 thermal imaging camera. On the basis of the tests and statistical analysis, it can be concluded that the application of light significantly increases the temperature of the irradiated facial skin surface. Irrespective of the type of light used, each was associated with an increase in temper-ature. A more pronounced increase in temperature on the facial skin surface after a given ap-plication suggests that the effect of light therapy is shallow, which is relevant to the choice of a specific light wavelength to be applied in a particular disease entity or dental complication.


DJ Studio Dariusz Jasinski


General Medicine,Automotive Engineering,General Medicine,General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science,General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Energy,General Medicine,Pharmacology (medical),General Medicine,General Medicine,Applied Mathematics








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