Restitution and the influence of different ways of carrying a 4-kilogram schoolbag on the body posture in the frontal, sagittal and transversal planes at 7-year-old students in both sexes


Mrozkowiak Mirosław1


1. Gabinet Fizjoterapii AKTON, Poznań, Poland


Introduction. The human body is shaped by internal conditions like structural asymmetry and genetic determinants, as well as external conditions such as kinesthetic habits, intellectual, spiritual, and emotional experiences. Material, method. Body posture tests were carried out in a group of 65 children aged 7 years, using the projection moiré method in four positions: (1) habitual posture, (2) posture after a 10-minute load with a 4-kilogram backpack, (3) one minute after the load was removed, (4) two minutes after the load was removed. Results. The study analyzed the correlations between differences in body posture in frontal, sagittal, and transversal planes under various conditions. The findings show that the greatest disturbances during the transportation of the backpack and two-minute restitution occur in the frontal plane. Conclusions. (1) The greatest disturbances occur in the frontal plane during the two-minute restitution phase. (2) The smallest postural disturbances occur when the backpack is carried on the back, while the greatest disturbances are caused by carrying it with one hand or on the chest.


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