In this study; in terms of social, societal, and political processes, 195 public service announcements published by state institutions, organizations, and NGOs in Turkey in 2021 were examined. In this framework, the issues discussed were determined, and an inference was made regarding the general problems of Turkey. States develop policies to inform society about social problems or developments and to provide and persuade attitude and behavior change. The media has become an effective tool due to the mass media reaching large masses. Within the framework of these purposes; state institutions, organizations, and NGOs make public service announcements for reasons such as reaching the masses, preventing bad situations, educating the public, or collecting financial aid for certain purposes. In this study, public service ads were examined with categorical and frequency analysis methods, which are content analysis methods. As a result of the research, in 2021; it has been determined that state institutions and organizations apply public service ads more frequently, more studies are carried out in the field of health, and real events are used more.
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