1. mersin üniversitesi
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between preschool teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) confidence and their attitude towards technology. In addition, it was aimed to examine whether preschool teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge and its sub-dimensions predict teachers' attitudes towards technology. The study group consists of 200 preschool teachers who teach 36-72-month-old preschool children in the 2020-2021 academic year. This study is a quantitative study designed in the single and relational screening model, one of the general screening models. The data were collected using the "Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Self-Confidence Scale (TPACKACKS)", "Attitude Towards Technology Scale" and "Personal Information Form". The data obtained were analyzed with SPSS 26.0 and JASP 0.16 programs and normality test, Pearson Correlation test and multiple linear regression analysis methods were used. As a result of the study, when the relationship between preschool teachers' attitudes towards technology and technological pedagogical content knowledge and sub-factors of it was examined, a significant positive relationship was found. When the other findings obtained from the research were examined, it was concluded that the relationship between preschool teachers' attitude towards technology scores and technological content knowledge sub-dimension scores was relatively low compared to other sub-dimensions.
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