The main purpose of this research is to examine sports-themed picture books for preschool children in terms of gender. In this study, a qualitative research design based on document analysis method was preferred. The data of the research were collected from 65 children's picture books. As a result of the examinations on the cover pages of children's picture books, it was determined that 25 different sports branches were presented to children through books. In the analysis of the content of the book, the gender of the main characters and the sport with which this character is identified were examined. As a result of this examination, it was determined that the main characters were female in 34 books and male in 21 books, both male and female characters were included in 6 books. After this stage, which sports the main characters do were examined. It was determined that sports branches such as ice skating and yoga were transferred to children more intensely through female characters. It was determined that some sports branches such as football and cycling are transferred more intensely through male characters.
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