Percepción de los especialistas en radiofísica hospitalaria sobre el papel de la bioética en su práctica profesional


de la Vega José Manuel1,Guirado Damián2,González José Santiago3


1. Unidad de Radiofísica Hospitalaria y Protección Radiológica. Hospital Universitario San Cecilio. Granada

2. Unidad de Radiofísica Hospitalaria y Protección Radiológica. Hospital Universitario San Cecilio. Granada.

3. Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.


Objective: To study the medical physicists standpoint regarding their relationship with bioethics. Materials and methods: A survey was designed and addressed to members of the Sociedad Española de Física Médica in which a number of different questions related to bioethics were set. Other variables were also collected from each respondent, such as age, working area and knowlege on bioethics, which were categorized in order to analyse their relevance. The frequency of the responses was represented by means of histograms. Results: The survey revealed the existence of issues, such as the perception of the frequency of ethic conflicts, the bioethics training or the responsibility with the patient, in which there is not a defined criteria among medical physicists. Survey respondents with greater knowledge of bioethics replied to some questions by marking the answers that indicated a closer relationship between professionals and bioethics and patients. Conclusions: The medical physicists perception regarding bioethics presents an important variability. The way we think the bioethics training should to be, represents an important issue to be tackled, since it may lead to a change of paradigm in the way medical physicists react to ethical problems or in their relationship with patients. Key words: Medical physics, bioethics, survey.



Reference15 articles.

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2. Real Decreto 183/2008, de 8 de febrero, por el que se determinan y clasifican las especialidades en Ciencias de la Salud y se desarrollan determinados aspectos del sistema de formación sanitaria especializada. Boletín Oficial del Estado, BOE, Madrid, 2008.

3. Directiva 2013/59 EURATOM del Consejo de 5 de diciembre de 2013, por la que se establecen normas de seguridad básicas para la protección contra los peligros derivados de la exposición a radiaciones ionizantes. Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea, Bruselas, 2013.

4. Real Decreto 1566/1998, de 17 de julio, por el que se establecen los criterios de calidad en radioterapia. Boletín Oficial del Estado, BOE, pág 29383-94, Madrid, 1998

5. Real Decreto 1976/1999, de 23 de diciembre, por el que se establecen los criterios de calidad en radiodiagnóstico. Boletín Oficial del Estado, BOE, pág 45891-900, Madrid, 1999.







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