
Tkachenko N.,Lanzhenko L.,Skripnichenko D.,Kuprina N.,Hanicheva А.


The food industry is a strategic industry that works quite steadily even during periods of economic crises, providing food security to any state, and is a source of raw material for other industries with a high potential for development, for example, for the production of cosmetics. The modern cosmetics market is represented by various cosmetic products, often expensive, but not always made from natural ingredients. Therefore, the search for the newest ingredients for the production of natural cosmetics on the basis of domestic raw materials is an urgent task of the present. Ingredients from milk serum can be used for the production of natural cosmetics that in large quantities is obtained in milk processing enterprises and often remains unprocessed. Whey protein concentrations can be a source of short-chain peptides and free amino acids for the production of various cosmetic products. The process of fermentolysis of serum proteins in nanofiltration concentrate KSB-65 with the content of dry matter of 20% using neutral peptidase C from the domestic producer at a temperature of 40 ºС with the duration of the process varying from 1 to 5 hours, the content of peptidase – from 0,5 to 2,0 U/g. It is established that the optimal parameters of the fermentolysis of serum proteins in KSB-65 are as follows: temperature 40 º C, neutral peptidase C content – 0.78 U/g, duration of fermentolysis – 3.17 hours. With optimal parameters of the fermentolysis process, the hydrolyzate of the nanofiltration concentrate KSB-65 contains the maximum amount of short chain peptides (57.03 mg/cm3) and a high concentration of free amino acids (54.66 μg/cm3). Recommendations for the further use of serum protein hydrolyzate obtained using the recommended optimal parameters of the enzyme production process from the nanofiltration concentrate KSB-65, in the manufacture of cosmetic products, including with anti-age effect, and hydrolyzates of proteins enriched with probiotic cultures of lactam bifidobacteria or their lysates.


Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies

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