In Ukraine, the following basic crops are used as raw materials for the production of cereals, flour, flakes: wheat, barley, buckwheat, oats, corn, rice, millet, peas. The volume of world grain production in recent years has grown significantly. In Ukraine, corn is the main fodder crop, and only in small quantities is used as food. Corn takes the leading place among the main grain crops in the world agricultural production. The production of corn for grain is concentrated in warm regions. In some regions, corn is the basis of the traditional food of the population, but mostly it is part of the feed in the feeding of farm animals. Corn does not accumulate nitrates and is an environmentally friendly product. Corn is a plant of versatile use. Currently, corn is one of the most important food crop cultivated by man. As to the largest producers of this cereal are the United States, China, Mexico, India, Brazil, Argentina, Indonesia, South Africa, France and Italy. Today, about 3500 food and technological products are made from corn. Corn is able to largely meet the needs of animal husbandry, its share is almost 30% in the composition of concentrated feed. Corn is used in food, starch, brewing and alcohol industries. With the advent of new directions in the development of biotechnology in the world, the importance of this culture is growing even more. In the countries of the European Union in recent years, the production of various types of fuels from plant materials - biodiesel, bioethanol, biomethanol and biofuel is actively developing. Bioethanol is obtained from all cultures with a high content of starch and sugar, for example, potatoes, sugar beet, corn, various types of cereals, and therefore a significant expansion of the acreage under corn is projected. In the article volumes of corn grain collection in different years in Ukraine for the production of cereals and groats are considered. Various types of maize as a perspective raw material for use in the food industry are considered. It is shown that two subspecies of maize are most widespread in Ukraine - a dentate (large grain of elongated form) and siliceous (a rounded grain). The presence of vitamins B (B1, B2, PP), calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron, as well as trace elements (copper, nickel, etc.) in maize makes it possible to recommend corn products as a separate product or in combination with other people with blood diseases, allergies, diabetes mellitus, obesity and other forms of metabolic disorders and pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. The authors analyzed the chemical composition of corn grain of various botanical groups intended for the production of cereals and products from them. The composition of micro- and macronutrients of corn groats used in the production of food products (snacks, breakfast cereals, instant cereals, cereals, etc.) is given.
Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
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