


This paper presents the features of corn as raw material for groat industry. Corn is used in many segments of the food andprocessing industry. corn is processed for traditional food products — groats, flakes, flour, extruded foods, and other corn byproductsare widely used for the production of dry breakfast cereals, snacks, cereal bars. In terms of using of the advanced processingtechnologies, the industry produces starch, gluten, and germs. Corn germ is used to produce the high-value vegetable oil, aswell as starch — for both food and non-food purposes. More than half (65%) of corn is used for feed purposes, 25% –technical purposes,and nearly 20% – for various types of food production. corn is processed for traditional food products — groats, flakes, flour,extruded foods, and other corn by-products are widely used for the production of dry breakfast cereals, snacks, cereal bars. For thecolour, corn is divided into white and yellow types. According to the literature data analysis, yellow corn is more used in China,Argentina, Brazil, while white corn — in some countries of Asia, Latin America, and the Balkan countries. Depending on itsmorphological features, the corn kernelis divided into various groups, species and subspecies.In Ukraine corn kernel is classified into 8 types, with separately defined limitations on the content of the major crop in thebatch, grains of other type, etc. Corn of І-VІІІ types with the quality indicators specified in the standard, for the production of foodproducts. Flint and dent corn types are the most applied grain varieties in the industry, they are widely used in the production segmentof food and feed products. Sweet corn is widely used as a vegetable crop in the food canning, food concentrates, starch andbrewing industries due to its flavor properties. Popped corn is not only the most convenient raw material for the production of popcorn,but it also can be used as the raw material for the production of corn curls and dry breakfast cereals By analyzing the weightfraction of fat in kernels of different corn varieties we can note that the lowest number of fat is typical for popped corn (4.0%) andthe largest – for sweet corn (9.1%); dent and flint corn have the same total fat number (4.5-4.9%).Test weight of corn types – poppedcorn ranges within 712-826 g/l, dent corn - 875-893 g/l, and flint corn - 768-786 g/l. The weight of 1000 kernels of corn dependingon the varieties changes within 150-600 g.


Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies

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